Why Do Talented Professionals Use Agencies to Find Work?

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Over the years, company leadership has often asked “Why would an exceptionally talented professional use a placement agency to obtain work? Doesn’t their education, experience, & accomplishments speak for itself? Why do these leaders need help to get a job?”

Our Direct Hire Recruiter, Vanessa Bremer can personally attest to the power of Aventure Staffing’s effective and transparent partnership. Once as an applicant who had relocated to the Siouxland area and as a Hiring Manager who needed to implement an aggressive hiring plan. With experience on both sides of the coin, Vanessa is now working as an Aventure Staffing Direct Hire Recruiter.

A Career Advocate

“High-performing strategic professionals often identify recruiting partnerships that set themselves apart from the rest,” says Vanessa. “Professional Placement Agencies like Aventure Staffing allow professionals to work alongside us to identify incredible positions that align with their personal mission, are located in an area that they are navigating to or are reflective of the direction that their career is headed. As a recruiter, we advocate for the company and the applicant’s best interests.”

Saving Time and Professional Risk

Approximately 95% of Vanessa’s direct hire candidates are actively working for prestigious and respectable companies in Senior Leadership roles. They are confidentially searching for their next adventure while managing companies, departments and teams. As a result, these candidates do not have the time and energy to sift through the endless job listings. In other words, they need the trusted help of placement agencies and Professional Recruiters like Vanessa! These professionals are ready for an impactful career shift, whether that is an upward movement succession or a passion to find a role that ensures a better work/life balance.

A Dedicated Partner

“Talented applicants who partner with Aventure recognize the value and impact of our strategic partnership. They have experienced a significant difference in our ways of working. We dedicate our time with them to personally understand their work history,” Vanessa declared. For instance, Aventure investigates what they are proud of in their list of accomplishments, where they have opportunities to grow, why they are open to new adventures and what they are seeking for in their next role. Moreover, as Business Partners, we gather supporting testimony to their leadership skills, document firsthand experiences as to how they improved the company’s bottom line, and learn about the footprint they left at the company that is still creating impressions today.

“To answer the ‘Why?’ question,” Vanessa answered, “One would have to reply ‘Why not?’ It is a win-win for everyone!”

Aventure works with employers and job seekers across the country to create long-lasting connections. We are wholly invested in the recruiting process and are dedicated to creating and maintaining trusted business relationships. Connect with us today to partner with you to find an ideal candidate for your open positions.


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