5 Questions to Ask at a Job Fair to Make a Great First Impression

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If you are looking for work, a job fair is a wonderful place to discover opportunities. But how do you stand out from the crowd? Here are five questions you can ask to make a great first impression.

  1. On your website, I noticed an opening for… What skills are you looking for in a candidate for this position?

    You want to get the most out of your experience, so do your homework. Visit the job fair’s website and see what businesses are attending. Write down a list of your top five to ten employers of interest. Then, dedicate a few hours to studying their websites and social media channels. Take note of open positions, current events, and corporate culture. Rather than wasting time on vague questions, such as “What positions do you have available?” you can launch directly into an informative conversation. As a result, you’ll be able to learn more. And, the recruiter will be impressed by your knowledge of their company.

  2. What do you like most about working at this organization?

    This question is a smart tactic to engage with the recruiter. Although it seems counterintuitive, asking them about themselves makes you more memorable. As a bonus, you’ll gain a first-hand perspective of the company’s culture and workplace dynamics.

  3. What training and education programs are available at your company?

    Asking about professional development shows you are ambitious and motivated. And, employers are looking for candidates who want to learn and grow. Plus, you be able to find out about the possibilities for long and short-term advancement. This can help you choose a position best matched to your career goals.

  4. I recently read an article about … How do you think this will impact your organization?

    As with the first question, when you do some research ahead of time, recruiters take notice. After all, you are prepared, knowledgeable, and interested in the company as well as the industry. These are all qualities a top candidate should have. Not to mention, this type of question can be another smart conversation starter.

  5. What’s the best way for me to stay in touch?

    You feel like things have gone well, and you are interested in applying to this organization. So, now what? Even if the recruiter takes a copy of your resume, ask for their contact information too. During a job fair, recruiters may meet hundreds of potential candidates. Despite your best efforts, they probably won’t remember everything about you. If you haven’t heard back from them in a few days, consider following up. You might not end up landing a job with this employer, but you still can use the meeting as a network-building opportunity.

Are Thinking About Attending a Job Fair in Sioux City, Iowa?

Guess what? You don’t have to wait. Aventure Staffing and Professional Placement is looking for qualified industrial, clerical, and healthcare candidates year-round. Grinnell Discover the advantages of job searching with us today!

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