How to Immediately Set Up New Hires For Success

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Hiring is expensive and time-consuming. And, after all the effort you put into finding the best people, you don’t want your new employees to question whether they are in the right place.

Effective onboarding and retention programs go a long way toward establishing a more dedicated and engaged workforce. Use these five tips to start your new hires down the road to success.

Begin Early

Traditionally, onboarding begins on an employee’s first day. However, many companies are taking a more proactive approach. Some organizations send welcome packages to new hires with a personal note from their manager, small gifts and/or company swag. In addition, pre-onboarding can help eliminate the overwhelming introductory pile of forms and documents. Employees can receive, read and complete paperwork in advance, so they are ready to hit the ground running on the first day.

Plan for Day One

What if a friend invited you for dinner, but when you arrived, they hadn’t made any preparations? You probably would feel confused and unwelcome. The same is true in business. If employees show up on their first day and there is no schedule, no agenda and no space arranged for them, they will not feel appreciated or valued. First impressions matter. Be sure your company has an onboarding process in place.

Announce New Arrivals

When a new employee is joining the team, let everyone know. Send out an email with a brief biography, as well as an overview of the strengths and skills this individual brings to the organization. This information can serve as an icebreaker and foster personal and professional connections.

Personalize the Experience

In many companies, workers spend their first day learning about corporate values, organizational culture and the way things are done around here. Unfortunately, this approach is not very inspiring or efficient. A study conducted in 2010 showed a significant increase in retention rates when onboarding focused on the employee instead of the company. Rather than explaining to new hires what they need to do to be successful, ask questions such as, “What special talents can you bring to this organization?” and “What leads to your best performance at work?” Look for ways to maximize their strengths instead of forcing them into pre-established expectations.

Establish Long-Term Plans

Onboarding shouldn’t last for just one day. Learning a new job can take days, months and sometimes years. Provide and plan to provide support to new employees throughout the entire learning curve. On day one, set up check-in meetings with a supervisor, mentor or experienced co-worker. Put these dates on the calendar to ensure accountability. Intervals may include one week, one month, three months, six months and/or one year. During these sessions, review progress, problems, suggestions, goals and career development. This tactic sends a message the company is committed to the employee and to their growth and development.

Is your organization having trouble finding reliable workers? At Aventure Staffing, we take the time to understand your expectations and your goals to find the best employees for your company. Learn more about working with us today!

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