Five Job Hunting Tactics That Are Holding You Back

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job hunting advice

We haven’t met a candidate who hasn’t been frustrated by the job hunting process. From trying to write the perfect resume to nailing the interview to tiptoeing around a colorful work history, looking for a job is a long and tedious process.

If you’ve exhausted all your efforts and still can’t find employment, perhaps it’s time to evaluate your methods. The jobs are out there, particularly in Iowa, Nebraska, and South Dakota. If you can’t find a good fit, chances are you are doing it wrong.

Aventure managers step in to help by identifying a few job-hunting tactics that may be holding you back.

There’s no “u” in job.

There may not be a “u” in job, but there should be a “you” in your job. If you can’t identify yourself in the job you have, it’s going to be harder and harder to go to work each day. “Weigh out every job opportunity to make sure it is right for you,” Steve Sothan, Branch Manager at Aventure’s for Aventure’s Norfolk and Wayne locations, added. “When it’s right, ‘pick it and stick with it’.”

“Know what you are going after,” said Roxane. “Concentrate on the positives and the things you have and the things you like to do.”

Another thing to remember: Don’t dismiss a potential position because of its industry; there are plenty of ways to identify with day-to-day tasks even if you don’t know everything about the company and what it does. Yet.

Drowning in the negative.

“I believe in second chances,” said Roxane Minner, Branch Manager of Aventure’s Grinnell location. “People mess up. I want people to know that everyone deserves to be treated fairly and we’ll try to do the best that we can.”

“Combing through the work history can be really uncomfortable for some candidates,” said Christine Salem, Branch Manager in Sioux City. “When they have to tell me they were fired, or that they really hated their supervisor, I can help them put a positive spin on the experience.”

Negative experiences happen in the workforce; however a job is only lost if it isn’t learned from. Admitting mistakes or learning opportunities demonstrates maturity and a willingness to grow.

Forgetting the reference checks.

There is looking at the positive, and then there is spinning so far around that it is no longer true. Always be honest in an interview, even if it’s a little embarrassing. Showing that you are aware of mistakes and missteps demonstrates maturity and a willingness to grow. The last thing you want is to lie in an interview, only to be exposed later by a background check, a poor reference, or inconsistent answers.

It is Aventure’s job—and the job of every HR specialist—to make sure every candidate presents a full and accurate picture of his or her abilities and work history. This isn’t just to make sure a candidate gets hired; finding a true match takes honesty on both sides and can result in success for everyone involved.

Believing that what you see is what you get.

While online job boards and newspaper classifieds have their place in the job hunt, they aren’t the only ways jobs are advertised. By not using all of your resources, you could be missing the perfect career opportunity.

“Staffing firms often have jobs and opportunities a job seeker can’t find on his or her own,” says Gail Anderson, Aventure Operations Manager.

“Candidates are coming to us first, which is a good thing,” adds Christine. “They can come to us and we can talk about two or three jobs in one interview.”

“I can sit and talk with someone in an interview and within the first 5 minutes, I already have an idea of which companies and positions could be a good fit,” said Kelsey Plueger, Industrial Branch Manager in Sioux City. This assessment can be far more helpful than any Internet search, and it certainly is more effective.

Underestimating your skills.

Above all, don’t underestimate your skills and abilities. If you don’t hold yourself accountable for your potential, no one else will either. Dig deep to find what drives you and make sure it’s an active part of your search. “I always ask candidates about their true passions and what would make them come to work each day,” said Gail. “The better the match, the more likely they will be successful at the job.”

The staff at Aventure is trained to guide candidates through the interview and vetting process. Using interviews, questionnaires, and thoughtful conversations, they can uncover hidden skills and applicable job experience, both of which can increase the number of job opportunities.

Are you ready to take your job hunt to the next level? Contact us, and we’ll get started.


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