2014: The Year of Engagement, Training, and the Millennial Workforce

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During the recent South by Southwest mega-event in Austin, Texas, people from staffing agencies and human resource departments learned to mix business with pleasure, surrounding themselves with music and business insight from the best of both in country.

Here are a few key highlights from some of the top sessions:


  • On-the-job training: Training programs still rule most business methodologies, but studies are showing that the most effective on-the-job training is doing it, well, on the job. Developing (and retaining) the talents of a productive employee is just as important as attracting promising new hires. How your company does that is by incorporating learning initiatives within projects, roles, and cross collaboration both inside and outside the organization. Think of it as less “sink-or-swim”, and more “support-and-swim”.
  • It’s time to re-engage: Administrative and manufacturing jobs can be the most innovative, imaginative, and creative jobs in the workforce. Disagree? Then perhaps it’s time to re-evaluate how your company sees these roles. Often times these “grunt” positions offer the most revolutionary platform for revitalized efficiency; when properly engaged and stimulated, people in these positions can offer valuable insight into company processes, management structures, and leadership values.
  • The Role of the Millennial: Companies across the nation are bracing themselves as the Millennial generation (born between 1980 and 2000) moves into the workforce. This generation, tagged with being raised in a praise-based culture that is protected from failure, values equality and flexibility over paying dues and climbing ladders. While this may seem as horrifying to many company leaders, this engaged generation is excited about making an impact, trying new things, and taking current projects to new levels. Successful companies will embrace the insight this generation of employees offers, particularly as it relates to their consumer base.


How do you think today’s workforce is changing?

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