How Not To Get a Job, According to Steve Sothan, Branch Manager

How Not To Get a Job, According to Steve Sothan, Branch Manager

We recently had a chance to throw some questions at Steve Sothan, an Aventure Branch Manager who oversees the Norfolk and Wayne locations, to get his take on the Northeast Nebraska job market, the interview process, how to get a job, and how to achieve a work-life balance. Here are his answers on what not to […]

Looking for a job? Aventure helps you search smarter, not harder.

Looking for a job? Aventure helps you search smarter, not harder.

Job hunting. In a word: Ugh. In today’s world, looking for a job seems so daunting. All the effort of writing the perfect resume and cover letter, applying for the perfect jobs (and the imperfect ones), waiting for responses, and (maybe) getting the chance to shine at an interview. If you get the job, all […]

Top 5 Resume Trends for 2015

Top 5 Resume Trends For 2015

As the economic machine starts to pick up to a robust speed, job seekers are finally seeing more opportunities open up across several markets and fields. Still, the need to stand out is an ever-present one. Does your resume say what it needs to—and is it located on the platforms it should be? We’ve taken […]

8 Tips to Help You Survive The Job Hunt

We all know them: the people who seem to land every job they apply for, or the ones that handle rejection with grace and positivity that propels them into the next interview. And we know you’ve wondered: how do they do it? What’s the secret? Job-hunting can be a daunting task. It often leads to […]

Aventure: Your Staffing Superhero

Aventure Staffing is here to help you find the perfect job. We’re on your side, and we want to be your Staffing Superhero. Apply online or visit one of our offices in Sioux City, Grinnell, Norfolk, Humboldt, Spencer, or Sheldon.    

American Staffing Association Survey

If you worked with Aventure in 2013, you could win a $50 Amazon gift card. Click HERE to take the survey from the American Staffing Association and you’ll be entered to win!