The Benefits of Working for a Leader Who Supports You

Most people would love to work for the “perfect” boss. Obviously, this is a tall order. However, it is possible to cultivate and leverage supportive leadership to improve your on-the-job performance. How Can a Supportive Boss Improve My Career? A Better Work Culture According to Satya Nadella, the current CEO of Microsoft. “Leaders need to […]

Four Important Questions to Ask on Your First Day of Work

The first day of work can be daunting for anyone, but as a new employee, you need to feel comfortable asking questions. New employees must become acclimated to a new set of rules, environment and co-workers, and asking questions can prevent any potential confusion. Most of the time, your co-workers and supervisors will expect you […]

How to Properly Resign From a Job

How to Properly Resign From a Job Congratulations – you’ve just been offered your dream job. It offers a higher salary, more benefits and additional learning opportunities, and you can’t wait to start. However, before you start your dream job, you will have to quit your current one in a professional manner. If you are […]

How to Choose Between Two Great Candidates

Have you ever had to choose between two excellent candidates? As a hiring manager, you have a difficult job and, sometimes, candidates are so alike that it can be immensely hard to make a final decision. Luckily, there are techniques you can use to make the decision-making process a bit easier and, in turn, find […]

Stand Out on Your First Day of Work

Do you remember your first day of high school? Butterflies in the stomach, clumsy introductions and getting lost on the way to homeroom? Starting a new job can sometimes feel like you’re reliving that moment of awkward adolescence. But remember, you’ve grown a lot since then! And if you follow these tips, you’ll be totally […]

Socializing With Co-Workers Could Help Your Career

Yes, you read that right – socializing at work can actually help your career. Of course, that doesn’t mean you have a free pass to spend half the day gossiping when you should be working. But you also should not isolate yourself at work. What kind of balance should you aim for when it comes […]