Addressing Employee’s Health Safety Concerns

How has your company addressed their employee’s health concerns surrounding the coronavirus? The last several months have not been “normal” times for employers by any means. Seeing as coronavirus cases are on the rise across the nation, we are having to accept that, for at least the time being, that this is the “new normal”. […]

8 Ways to Reenter the Workforce Prepared and Worry Free!

We’ve heard the saying a lot: We are living in unprecedented times. Since most of the general population has not seen a global pandemic as serious as the COVID-19, with business closures and lay-offs, the world may seem a little scary right now. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel! Soon […]

5 Awesome Ways to Go Green in the Office

Did you know that the average person will spend 90,000 hours at work over a lifetime? When we think of the phrase “going green” we often think of ways to improve sustainability at home. You may already be taking simple steps to go green, such as recycling and conserving resources.  When you think about how […]

Five Types of Follow-Up Emails to Send After a Job Interview

You know you should send an email after an interview. But, what should it say? Here’s our quick guide on writing effective follow-up letters to stack the odds in your favor. 1 – After a Phone Interview Send all thank-you letters as soon as possible. Don’t delay longer than 24 hours. As phone interviews are […]

Tips For Overcoming Challenges When Hiring Top Talent

According to a 2018 Conference Board study, “failure to attract and retain top talent” is now the number one issue on the minds of CEOs. How can your organization compete in a tight labor market? Expand Your Reach Many companies rely primarily on transactional recruiting or posting open positions on a job board. Although this […]

How Temporary Work Allows You To “Try Before You Buy”

Companies know hiring can be risky, but for workers, accepting a job can be risky too. Even when everything seems perfect, sometimes things don’t work out. What can you do to avoid the wrong job, company or boss? The answer involves some work on your part. Learn as much as you can before signing on. […]