What College Football and Recruiting Have in Common

college football and career recruitment

It’s November, and that only means one thing in this neck of the woods: college football. Watching the games week in and week out has shown us the strong parallels between football and recruiting for local companies, from the stories of how players came to campus to seeing defensive and offensive lines gel together on […]

Modern Recruiting: 5 Laws of Attraction

In today’s world, we face recruitment challenges unlike anything we’ve ever known. From the generational cocktail swirling around the water cooler to open positions and a disinterested workforce, companies struggle not only with keeping their current employees happy, but also with recruiting the right talent and getting them started on the right foot. Attracting this […]

How Not To Get a Job, According to Steve Sothan, Branch Manager

How Not To Get a Job, According to Steve Sothan, Branch Manager

We recently had a chance to throw some questions at Steve Sothan, an Aventure Branch Manager who oversees the Norfolk and Wayne locations, to get his take on the Northeast Nebraska job market, the interview process, how to get a job, and how to achieve a work-life balance. Here are his answers on what not to […]

American Staffing Association Survey

If you worked with Aventure in 2013, you could win a $50 Amazon gift card. Click HERE to take the survey from the American Staffing Association and you’ll be entered to win!