Is a Temp-to-Hire Position Right for You?

If you’re looking for a new job, you’ve probably came across a few temp-to-hire positions through a staffing agency, like Aventure Staffing. What is temp-to-hire? Is it the right choice for you? There are many benefits to working a temp-to-hire position, from gaining exposure to meeting new people in the industry. In a temp-to-hire job, […]

The Real Truth About Nursing Jobs in Sioux City and Beyond

To be a nurse, you need to be as skilled as you are fresh, adaptable as you are driven, resilient as you are compassionate. Nursing is not a job for the faint of heart; it’s a job for the biggest ones. As poetic as all that may sound, nurses and their job opportunities are a […]

How long does it take to find a job with Aventure?

Job hunting can be time-consuming, grueling, and lengthy. The common knowledge is that a job hunt can last about one month for every $10K in salary a job hunter is hoping to make. This is obviously a rough estimate as demographics, demand, experience, and requirements play a huge role in whether or not job offers […]

The Most Powerful Job Search Tool in Siouxland You Aren’t Using

The Most Powerful Job Search Tool in Siouxland You Aren’t Using

Most people aren’t aware that the job market in Iowa, Nebraska, and South Dakota is ripe for the picking. If you’re having a hard time during your job search, it may be because you aren’t looking in quite the right places. Like at an Aventure Staffing office. We caught up with Brian and Jon, two […]

How Not To Get a Job, According to Steve Sothan, Branch Manager

How Not To Get a Job, According to Steve Sothan, Branch Manager

We recently had a chance to throw some questions at Steve Sothan, an Aventure Branch Manager who oversees the Norfolk and Wayne locations, to get his take on the Northeast Nebraska job market, the interview process, how to get a job, and how to achieve a work-life balance. Here are his answers on what not to […]

Top 5 Resume Trends for 2015

Top 5 Resume Trends For 2015

As the economic machine starts to pick up to a robust speed, job seekers are finally seeing more opportunities open up across several markets and fields. Still, the need to stand out is an ever-present one. Does your resume say what it needs to—and is it located on the platforms it should be? We’ve taken […]