Why You Should Always Be Giving Employees Feedback

When an employee doesn’t receive feedback from their supervisor or employer, they can lose direction over time. Offering effective feedback is important to both employers and employees, and without it, employees will have no incentive to better themselves. However, there is a right and wrong way to offer feedback, and as an employer, you need […]
The Top Skills Every Welder Should Have

Are you a welder in the market for a new job? If so, you may already know there are certain skills every employer looks for in an employee. The competition in the welding industry is also cutthroat, and you need to stand out from other job applicants. If you want to get hired as a […]
Three Ways to Negotiate Salary the Right Way
There is no way around it – talking about your potential salary with an interviewer can be awkward. From an early age, we are taught to not talk about money, but at some point, you will need to discuss your salary with an employer. Many people don’t know how to do this effectively, but salary […]
Knowing When It’s Time to Make a Career Change
Do you enjoy your current job? The majority of workers in the U.S. would probably answer “no,” but in reality, there is no need to stay in a position you hate. Contrary to popular belief, if you are stuck in a position you dislike, it can be beneficial to both you and your employer if […]
The Benefits of Team Building Exercises
Team building exercises are a great way to help employees understand each other and become more efficient workers. Many employees and employers balk at the idea of team building exercises, but in reality, they can offer a multitude of benefits. If you are on the fence about having your workers engage in such exercises, you […]
Make Your Temporary Employees Feel Part of the Team
We all know the importance of team building. A strong sense of belonging and being part of a team makes employees work harder and keeps them happier. The challenge some managers face is helping their temp employees feel like part of the team. Oftentimes, managers overlook the importance of inspiring engagement in temporary workers. But […]