We Have Taken the Pledge

We have learned that when staffing for essential businesses and recruiting for those hard to fill positions, candidate’s health and safety concerns remains top of mind. We are committed, more than ever, to ensuring our clients and candidates feel they can safely return to work. That is why Aventure Staffing has taken the #SafelyBackToWork pledge by the […]
Addressing Employee’s Health Safety Concerns

How has your company addressed their employee’s health concerns surrounding the coronavirus? The last several months have not been “normal” times for employers by any means. Seeing as coronavirus cases are on the rise across the nation, we are having to accept that, for at least the time being, that this is the “new normal”. […]
How a Good Fit and Effective Employee Engagement Increases Employee Attendance
Aventure Staffing takes pride in our ability to match quality candidates with positions that match skills and abilities as well as job and life expectations. We do this by asking a lot of questions to both candidates and companies, touring workplaces, and keeping open lines of communication to all parties. Despite everyone’s best efforts, however, […]
Returning to Work? Here are 5 Tips from Aventure Staffing’s Spencer Branch
Whether you are a stay-at-home parent returning to the workforce, an entry-level student looking for your first full-time job, or an employee looking for a career change, the talented team at Aventure Staffing’s Spencer branch has some advice for you. Use your resources. Finding a job has never been easier, but finding the right one […]
How long does it take to find a job with Aventure?
Job hunting can be time-consuming, grueling, and lengthy. The common knowledge is that a job hunt can last about one month for every $10K in salary a job hunter is hoping to make. This is obviously a rough estimate as demographics, demand, experience, and requirements play a huge role in whether or not job offers […]
Three Reasons (and Three Accolades) for How Our Sheldon Office Succeeds
For 10 years, Aventure’s Sheldon branch has worked with local businesses and industry to match the right candidate with the right position and the right company. As it turns out, the Sheldon office itself has it’s own perfect concoction of personalities, talent, and chemistry. In fact, if Aventure had a yearbook, these are the accolades […]